HELL YES!!!!! Picked up my iPhone yesterday at the Apple store in the CambridgeSide Galleria. No waiting in any silly lines, no back orders, no ridiculous eBay price. I just walked in, asked for the 8GB version...and whalaa....they immediately produce one from behind the counter. I took all of 5 minutes! Good for Apple to learn from the mistakes of both Microsoft and Sony in their failed launched of XBox 360 and Sony Playstation 3.
The phone is fantastic. The account setup process via iTunes was a piece of cake. The user interface is ground breaking. The applications are amazing. I particularly like the iPod, Safari web browser and, the Map apps.
My only complaint at this time is there seems to be no solution to tie the phone into my works Exchange server (I knew that going into the purchase). And, there seems to be no games! :( The on screen keyboard is also taking some time to get used too. I do have faith that these issues will be over come in time. Its still an amazing phone!
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