FINALLY!!!! William Gibson (my favorite author) has announced that his new book, Spook Country, will hit the shelves on August 8th, 2007.
His last book, Pattern Recognition, was a bestseller on every list of every major newspaper in the country, reaching #4 on the New York Times list. It was also a BookSense top ten pick, a WordStock bestseller, a best book of the year for Publishers Weekly, the Los Angeles Times, Newsday, and the Economist, and a Washington Post "rave." In fact the Washington Post went on to claim Pattern Recognition was "One of the first authentic and vital novels of the twenty-first century." I absolutely agree!
Gibson is claiming that "Spook Country is the perfect follow-up to Pattern Recognition". Below is a video interview of Gibson speaking about his new work:
Below are the online bookstores where you may pre-order Spook Country:
Cody's Books
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