So--its 4:45am on Monday and I am up blogging! LOL. I arrived home from my 17 day holiday in Italy yesterday afternoon. Outside of falling asleep for about an hour on my couch while watching a movie with some friends who came over, I was able to stay up until 11pm. Since I woke Sunday morning at 5am in Venice, that put me squarely in the "awake for 24 hours" zone. Curious to see how today fares for me.
I have a ton to get caught up on regarding journaling the rest of my vacation. I can imagine that it will occupy the bulk of my posts this week. Stay tuned for posts and photos regarding:
- Tomasz Tomaszewski (National Geographic Photographer)
- Il Paradiso Di Frassina (Tuscan Vineyard I visited on my last night with National Geographic)
- Palazzo del Capitano & al Vecchio Forno (Restaraunt/Hotel in San Quirico d'Orcia)
- Florence (Pics)
- J.K. Place (Hotel in Florence)
- Ca' Marcello (Villa in Northern Italy)
- Asolo (Village in Northern Italy)
- Venice (Including the islands of Murano and Burano)
- The Bauer Hotel (Hotel in Venice)
- 47 Hotel Review (Place I stayed while in Rome)
Now---off the the gym. This should be interesting ;)
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